
We build knowledge and skills among farmers, landowners, and agricultural service providers. With hands-on training, resources, and guidance, we empower people to take next steps toward farmland access, tenure, or transfer.

Workshops & trainings

Check out our current events. We host and present at workshops and trainings across New England, and nationally. Often conducted in cooperation with local and regional partners, our workshops target farm seekers, landowners, and transitioning farmers. LFG staff are called upon to present in a variety of settings, from conference panels and workshops to stand-alone events.

Online learning

Acquiring Your Farm (AYF) 2.0 online course lets farm seekers work through a comprehensive curriculum, complete with assignments and online tools. AYF contains lessons organized around seven topics and designed to provide a thorough introduction to the complex issues of farmland access and tenure.

Build-A-Lease Tool helps farmers and landowners learn about and craft a working farm lease. The Tool includes definitions, FAQs, sample language and fill-in spaces for the most common sections of a farm lease. Tool users can learn while also building an individualized working lease document—generating lease language to download, email, save for later, and revise along the way. The Tool is designed to educate all parties and support the development of sound lease agreements.

Additional free resources are available in our Toolbox. We produce guides and reports that are available in print and online. We also list and link to other materials and groups as well.

Advisor role

Sharing knowledge and experience with other professionals who work on behalf of farmers can help build their skills to better serve farmers. We educate, train, and advise other agricultural service providers across New England, and nationally.

For example, farmers need assistance from qualified and knowledgeable professionals such as attorneys, financial experts, educators, consultants, mediators, and farm organization staff to help them complete succession plans. Our Farm Succession Advising: Attorney Training Compendium provides solid legal background material and technical tools to use in assisting farmer clients to develop their succession plans.

PO Box 625
Keene, New Hampshire 03431
phone: 603-357-1600